
The collective transformation is accelerating...

Solicited more than ever before: our community of practitioners from wellness, alternative health, personal development and spiritual education

We dream together a new era, with more aware & sovereign people, responsible for their holistic health!

So, we asked ourselves..

What would bring value to our community?

 A synthesis of holisitic healing in the holographic perspective, from the most developed mystical teachings
The challenges encountered by holistic practitioners in the evolution of their activity, and the solutions!
 A reflection on the technological advances in service to the biological intelligence, and how they can serve you in your personal development
Join our community and download your free guide!

A collaboration between


 Founder of Resonance Frequencies,
Expert in alternative health technologies,
Shamanic practitioner


Coach for coaches, Naturopath, Author,
Love activist 


Teacher, Shamanic practitioner, 
Holistic healer specialized in sacred geometry, herbs, crystals and sound vibrations